This prosthesis is used in special situations for patients who have enough bone in the anterior regions of the lower or upper jaws, but limited amount of bone in the posterior regions and are not candidates for extensive bone grafting.
Patients suffering with uncomfortable and painful dentures, and those patients living with unsightly partial bridges – causing even more damage to their remaining teeth and gum line – now have a clinically proven treatment option, using FDA approved materials and techniques for replacing missing or non-functional teeth.
If you are struggling with bad teeth, wear an unsightly partial or ill-fitting painful denture, you can now switch comfortably and conveniently to a fixed dental implant system that will improve your appearance, self-confidence and lifestyle.
Replacing failing teeth, missing teeth or dentures with a dental implant-supported bridge will change your life forever. Your new dental implants will act and feel like real teeth because they are supported by a similar root structure.

Dr. Alan Farber
Dental Implant Center Dr.
(855) 784-6752
523 Townline Rd., Suite 11, Hauppauge, NY 11788
1641 Route 112, Suite B, Medford, NY 11763
1641 Route 112, Suite B, Medford, NY 11763
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