Replacement teeth in one clinical appointment
TeethToday® is a revolutionary dental implant technique offered by the TeethToday Dental Implant Center of Hauppauge, and can immediately and predictably replace failing or missing teeth in just one day. Our doctors have been performing these procedures successfully for nearly 2 decades. We are recognized internationally for our innovation in this area and have documented more successful patient treatments with the TeethToday technique than almost any other implant practice in the world. Stop avoiding social situations, business obligations or family gatherings because of the shame and embarrassment of loose, decayed or missing teeth. Whether you are replacing a single tooth or multiple teeth, with TeethToday we can often accomplish the process in just one appointment. You can quickly restore your smile, your self-confidence, and your lifestyle with this remarkable dental implant procedure.
Advances in implant technologies now make it possible for you to have aesthetically pleasing fixed teeth in less than 24 hours. You no longer need to wait months for implant supported restorations that allow you to chew, smile and speak clearly. TeethToday -- the proprietary process refined by the doctors of the TeethToday Dental Implant Center -- allows you to leave the dental chair after just one treatment visit with teeth that look natural and remain healthy. After the implants fully heal, they will likely be as strong as or stronger than your natural teeth.
The benefits of TeethToday have been consistently proven. Careful documentation has revealed that our results with TeethToday are now virtually the same as more conventional procedures, requiring months longer. In our first 10 years of developing and using the techniques, over 1500 patients received over 4,000 implants with 95-99% success. Now in our second decade of refinement, we can treat even more difficult problems with greater success.
Some other advertised "immediate load / immediate function" implant techniques require that you already wear a removable denture or fit certain specific criteria to be treated. With TeethToday failing teeth can be immediately replaced with new implants and restorationsâ€â€often in one procedure, the same day. This streamlines treatment, saving time and anxiety while improving the quality of the final results. TeethToday offers dramatic improvement in chewing ability, security and overall comfort.
We are internationally known for our results with TeethToday. In fact, professional articles on these results and techniques have appeared in many prestigious journals and presented by our doctors at dental specialty and implant meetings in the US and Europe. Our first article was published in the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants (IJOMI) in 2001, which is recognized as the most prestigious journal on dental implant procedures. Our article documented groundbreaking success rates of 99.5% for individual tooth implants and 100% for interim fixed bridges and subsequent permanent teeth. At the time, this study represented the largest report on immediately loaded implants and patients in the world, and claimed the highest success rate. We have only improved from there.

Dr. Alan Farber
Dental Implant Center Dr.
(855) 784-6752
523 Townline Rd., Suite 11, Hauppauge, NY 11788
1641 Route 112, Suite B, Medford, NY 11763
1641 Route 112, Suite B, Medford, NY 11763
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